March 9, 2013

Clean House

I told myself I was going to take a break from Netflix for a while because once I start a show I am glued to the dang TV until the show is finished. I have gone about a month now without being glued to anything (which is dang good for me) because I have so much sorting and packing to do for the big move, which in in 33 days!!!! Anyhow, I finally decided I needed to watch something while I pack and sort because music was getting old. I wanted to find something that was not going to take ALL of my attention and I could just glance at now and again and still know what was going on. SO...... I found Clean House.
Let me tell you I am NOTHING like the people in this show, NOTHING! But as I am sorting through and packing up something I am finding that I am sort of a pack rat.... KIND OF. I hold on to things because of the memories they bring.... and as Niecy says, you can get rid of that item and still have the memory, so.... that is just what I have been doing and let me tell you it is not easy but I just don't have the room for it anymore, and what is the use of hanging on to something that is just going to sit in a box?
I can say that there are a few things I am having a hard time letting go of, my mother in laws christmas decor. As many of you know she passed away and she LOVED everything Christmas. The family went through her things and picked out and were given some of her things. A lot of the stuff we ended up with was her Christmas decor. There are a few of her Christmas things that we use each year but the rest just sits in a box. I hold on to these things because they remind me of her and her beautiful spirit, but I really need to just let these things go because the memory of her will ALWAYS be there.
All in all I am so glad I decided to watch this show and declutter my life a little bit. Thank you Niecy Nash!

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