April 12, 2012

Easter 2012

This year Reed and I were so lazy with Easter that we forgot to let the easter bunny know that Jace was a good boy and deserved a easter basket, so sadly the easter bunny did not come and visit us this year, BUT thats okay, I covered it for him. This year for easter I snuck out to the store and got Jace some much needed things, CANDY & EGGS of coarse. On Friday I got a call from my sister asking if she and my brother and sis in law and their kids could come down from Eagle Mountain and stay the night so that they can make it out to all of the fun easter egg hunts here in Pleasant grove, I said yes and oh my goodenss what a mad house it was, but it was so much fun! We colored eggs and laughed and had so much fun. The next day we all got up super early and hit up smiths for a candy hunt, then Lindon park for eggs, and than pleasant grove discovery park for more eggs and than Maceys for a hawaiin feast. Than Sunday we had a nice relaxing evening over at Jenn and Barrys for a delisious easter dinner. SUCH a crazy but fun filled easter weekend.

Mother & Daughter

Cousins causing trouble!!

Cousins all wore out after a long morning of hunting for eggs and candy!

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