January 26, 2011

Our friend the Koala.

The Koala appears to be sweet and motherly... But its really a bloodthirsty mammal that will drop out of trees and rip your head off. Koalas are indigenous to Utah. They will also drop out of trees and rip your head off.

A cute bushy tailed animal that sometimes take over entire planets by hijacking nasa equipment
Squirrel: How are you gentlemen! All your base are belong to us. you are on your want to destruction!
Nasa: We are sorry to inform that we are no longer receiving signals from echo419.

Okay so our friend Becca Pederson has pictures of animals on her facebook and she tagged some of her friends in them... and yeah :) I got the Koala. Haha. Its funny but so true! So watch out!

So very Random!

For the past couple of months Jace has been through everything. There is not one thing in our house that he has not gotten and tried to destroy! He has also been sick and just last night he came up to me and just wanted to snuggle so i had to get a few pics


Mr. Cool!

Every morning he sees Reed weigh himself and now almost every morning Jace does the same thing! :) So cute!

He loves to take my head bands and wear them around his neck! Kinda dorky but oWell.

Potty chair that G-Ma Spencer gave him!

His awesome christmas Present that mommy and daddy got for him!